The best sales closers are never at the end of the sales cycle. They understand how prospects evaluate their needs and offer value throughout the process. They also know how to define the prospects’ purchase process. This will help them create a personalized sales strategy for each candidate. Let’s explore how to become a great sales closer in this article.
High ticket closer
A high-ticket sales closer must follow a systematic sales process. This approach gives them key advantages and an edge over their competition. In addition, high ticket closers are ideal consultative salespeople. They build rapport with their clients and enable them to ask deep questions that lead to a buying decision. The eight-step sales process is one of the essential sales strategies for high-ticket closers.
A high ticket closer’s main job is to qualify prospects. This can be done by asking questions, interacting via text, and sending direct messages. They must also know the prospect’s pain points and goals, and aspirations. By asking these questions, a stellar high ticket closer can quickly and easily reach the core of their prospect’s concerns.They will also schedule placement tests and campus tours.
A high ticket sales closer must give 100% effort every time. They need to have an insatiable desire for success and treat their work like an art form. They push themselves out of their comfort zone and strive to achieve their personal best.
Enrollment coach
As an Enrollment Coach, you coach prospective students through the enrollment process. You collaborate with Student Services Professionals and work closely with the Enrollment Team manager. This person oversees the company’s customer service outreach, records lead contact efforts in a CRM tool and receives materials from prospective students.They do this even when it is not necessarily financially.
You may struggle to close more deals, both in the virtual and physical worlds. You feel overwhelmed and lack the self-confidence needed to sell.
Enrollment coaches help prospective students navigate the admissions process and ensure they meet all of the school’s requirements. They must have the emotional skills to interpret and apply rules to different student situations. They may work with applicants in person or remotely via phone, email, or text. You may be dreading discovery calls because you are unsure of your skills. You may be unable to relax during these calls and may even feel your stomach drop.
Inbound closer
An inbound sales closer helps companies convert leads into customers by flipping them over the phone. This is especially important if you sell high-ticket items. Unlike low-ticket things, which can be dealt with video ads or copywriting, high-ticket items require a person to build confidence in the product or service. The goal of an inbound sales closer is to create the trust that will lead to a successful sale.
An inbound sales closer must have a clear understanding of the needs of a prospective client. This means figuring out the client’s problem and how to solve it. This requires a high degree of patience and the ability to guide a client through the buying process. Good communication skills are also a must.
Eli Katz also covers objection handling in this module. He provides frameworks and patterns to handle objections confidently. The goal is to avoid giving in to objections and remain poised. This bonus module is unlocked after the first five modules.
When using the Manipulator for sales closer, you’ll use subtle prompting and persuasion to sway the sale. A good salesperson knows their subject inside and out and can tailor the presentation to a prospect’s needs. You can develop a killer sales strategy using subtle prompting and persuasion.
An introverted salesperson can use the Manipulator for sales closer to their advantage. If the seller is overly flattering, the buyer will feel manipulated. Likewise, the customer will feel controlled if the seller is too slick and uses emotional triggers to push a sale. Buyers who think they are driven may feel taken advantage of or cheated.
Salespeople who manipulate others are not just manipulators; they’re people, too. They often allow themselves to be influenced by the person they sell to. They may be afraid to offend a prospect, so they allow themselves to be manipulated. This may result in a lower self-concept and ego strength.